Did you know that at Prestige we find that glass or dish washers are the most commonly neglected appliance in the kitchen? They’re actually the piece of kitchen equipment we have to replace the most following poor maintenance.
If your machine has been so poorly maintained that it needs replacing, you’re looking at upwards of £1,000 for a commercial glass washer and much, much higher for commercial dishwasher. Even simply repairing your machine can be costly. For example, if your machine isn’t correctly shut down at the end of each shift by cleaning out the wash filter and completely draining the machine, you could end up with a blocked filter. The most common problems we see following a blocked filter are blocked wash jets, which will cost you £85 minimum to repair and wash pump burn out, which will set you back at least £480. If a machine’s looked after really badly, it can even lead to blocked drains and damage to your premises. The costs of repair in this situation are excessive and can lead to long periods of down time for your business too.
It really pays to put in that extra effort to keep your machine in the best condition. Below are some of our easiest tips to keep your washer in great shape.
Daily End of Use Routine:
- Switch off power
- Remove basket
- Drain the machine
- Remove all filters and clean them
- Wipe inside the machine
- Top up chemicals
- Rinse the machine
- Drain excess water
- Leave the machine door open
Weekly Washer Care Routine:
- Remove wash arms
- Strip the arms and clean all parts
- Wash the machine internally with a renovator
- If you have one fitted, regenerate the water softener
Steps for Filling the Washer:
- Always remove all fruit slices, garnishes, cocktail sticks or food scraps
Remember, there’s nowhere for these to go once they’re inside and they’ll end up blocking the machine and affecting the results of your next cycles too.
- Remove any lipstick by hand
This requires a little bit of elbow grease which your machine can’t manage so, if lipstick’s not manually removed, your cycle will be ineffective and you may end up with tiny bits of residue making its way into the water too.
- Discard any leftover drink
The water in the machine is only replaced by 10-20% per cycle, so any drinks residue you place in the machine will likely stick around for the next cycles.
- Never empty or wash ash trays in the machine
Again, there’s nowhere for ash to go and it could end up causing blockages and clinging to glasses in the next cycles.
Following these simple steps every time the washer is filled and shut down at the end of a shift can really help to prolong the machine’s life. Combine these steps with a weekly maintenance routine too, and you’ll be doing the best job possible to keep your machine in great condition. This way you’re more likely avoid any problems and the repair or replacement costs that come with said problems. A little bit of extra care goes a very long way!